Well, winter seems to be coming to an end, thankfully. It’s been a long one trying to keep up with two boats that are outside in the weather. Our goal is to enclose both Willobee and Fifer in a canvas cover during the fall and winter months, but that’s a lofty goal. It has been one of my things to do, learning how to sew canvas, but like everything else I am on a pretty tight schedule just keeping up with maintenance and renovation. I am researching and studying industrial sewing of canvas and have been for awhile. I am hoping to start measuring and creating patterns this summer. I think I will create mock-ups in a cheaper fabric like vinyl to start out with. I will definitely make sure I record how that learning process is going in the coming months.
We have been tackling some of the necessary refinishing of both Fifer and Willobee pieces this winter, including Willobee’s pilot house doors.
At the helm